Soan papdi, anative of Uttar Pradesh, is made from ghee, flour, sugar, and cardamom. It’s avery light and flaky sweet that is available in almost every sweet shop inIndia. You’ll often find vendors on streets selling Soan papdi because of itbeing one of the most loved sweets. Soan papdi for a lot of people is achildhood memory, because of the way the vendors used to come right to yourhouse and sell those and everyone would love to gorge on them after dinnersevery night. A simple but very delicious sweet, this is one which no one cansay no to. Preparing this sweet at the convenience of your home is perfectbecause you can add the ingredients of your choice and make it super tasty andsuper healthy as well. This is a recipe that’s made of only ghee, flour, sugar,and besan. Make sure you pack them in an insulated kitchen storage containers that would keep yoursweet fresh for a long time.
- 250 g ghee
- 250 g ghee
- 1 ½ cup water
- 1 ¼ cup gram flour
- 1 ¼ cup all-purpose flour
- 2 ½ cup sugar
- ½ tsp lightly crushed green cardamom
- In a large bowl, mix all-purpose flour and gramflour.
- In a heavysaucepan, add ghee and then add the flour mixture and roast on simmer till itturns golden. Keep it aside and let it cool.
- To prepare thesyrup, mix sugar, milk, and water and bring it to a thread like consistency.Immediately add it to the flour mixture and beat the mixture with a fork tillthe whole mixture forms flakes which are threadlike.
- Pour the mixtureinto a greased thali and roll it lightly into a 1-inch thickness. Let the wholething cool and then cut them into squares. Place them in an airtight food containers; to avoid letting them soften.
- You can garnish with pistachios and dried rosepetals to make it more eye-catching.
- Enjoy this super deliciously simple sweet withyour family!
- Soan Papdi is also known as sohan papdi or sonpapri or shonpapri. In the olden days, it was sold loose in plastic covers, butnow the Industry has made it more sophisticated.
Health Benefits
The greencardamoms used in this delicious recipe are known for lowering blood pressureand might contain cancer-fighting properties as well. These are good withcuring digestive problems and mouth ulcers too.
Ghee is consideredone of the good fats source to our body.